Friday, October 23, 2020

A Generation of Liars, A Multitude of Fools by Ronald Simmons

"Patriotism is a virtue of the vicious." -- Oscar Wilde 
This book is about patriotism, religion, cults, American and other societies and culture. Mostly, it is about people, and how they became a multitude of fools by following a Generation of Liars. 

There is a section on evolution that will surprise and infuriate most people, including most so-called scientists.

This is a strongly worded expose and condemnation of American and world policies as they stand today.  Read this, and you, too, will understand the rightness of things, and the wrongness of things.

We tell about a number of people and their lies in this book.  Hillary Clinton is quoted, as is her lying husband, Billary, er, we mean, Bill Clinton.  Barack Obama doesn't escape attention, either.  Nor does Bernie Sanders or Donald Trump.  Adolf Hitler is here, too, along with a host of companies that lie and cheat.  Enjoy this account of your world, and the way you've built it.

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The Grand Babylon Hotel by Arnold Bennett

The Grand Babylon Hotel is a novel by Arnold Bennett, published in January 1902, about the mysterious disappearance of a German prince. It originally appeared as a serial in the Golden Penny. The titular Grand Babylon was modelled on the Savoy Hotel which Bennett had much later also used as a model for his 1930 novel Imperial Palace.

In Bennett's journal entry on 18 January 1901, he also notes that said his serial was being advertised was the "best thing of this sort" they'd seen since The Mystery of a Hansom Cab by Fergus Hume